Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I have been doing tattoos since earlier this year, its been a long time dream of mine to learn. Not just to make money or do it for a job, but because I really need an artistic output to make the evil inside me subside. I decided last December that I would buy my first tattoo machine in 2010, I have to be honest, this is not the first time I made this new years resolution. But thank fully I kept it this year. Its not really very easy to tattoo, much less to be self taught. Thankfully I have a really understanding canvas, although He will not allow me to do flowers, I am getting a lot of practice. I decided to tattoo myself on thanksgiving, I do not recommend to anyone to ever do this. It was very awkward, painful, and all around just difficult. It turned out alright, but it will be my only self-tattoo. Anyone who is willing to help me learn, I would be grateful. This is one of my most recent tattoos, James wanted a distresses flag behind his eagle.